National Health Service
The North West Children's Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network (NWChMTODN) is a network across the North West of England , North Wales and The Isle of Man that provides a service for children who have experienced a major trauma . Any child that is under 16 years old that has experienced major trauma is taken as quickly and safely as possible to one of the two Children's Major Trauma Centres in the North West (either Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool or Royal Manchester Children's Hospital). To enable this to happen depends on close partnership working with pre-hospital care, Major Trauma Centres , Trauma Units, Local Emergency Hospitals , and Rehabilitation Services.
The Network sees in the region of 370 Children per annum caused by a number of mechanisms and a wide variety of injuries who are classified as Major Trauma. The NWChMTODN actively seeks links with other organisations both in and beyond the UK who care for children with Major Trauma.
The mission statement of the North West Children's Major Trauma Network is -
"To provide excellent high quality care in all parts of the pathway and network in the North West of England, North Wales and the Isle of Man for ensuring the best possible outcome, reducing mortality and morbidity for all Children who have experienced Major Trauma".
Organisation of Children's Major Trauma Networks requires a unique approach because of the relative infrequency of Children's Major Trauma. The Network has an inclusive approach to ensure experiences are shared and disseminated.
The Network disseminates National Standards and identifies and sets local standards for Children's Major Trauma. The Network itself is peer reviewed by the National Peer Review Team (
The Network Clinical Governance Board meets formally four times a year. The purpose of the meetings includes sharing data relating to major trauma, and through incidents exploring how the patient pathway can be improved to ensure safe, fast admission to the Children's Major Trauma Services and to ensure effective rehabilitation.
The Network Team also visits all Children's Trauma Units and Local Emergency Hospitals with a lead clinician on a regular basis to provide support . In addition it formally accredits the Children's Major Trauma Units.
The North West Network works together with other Children's Major Trauma Centres in England and in collaboration with the Adult Major Trauma Networks in Manchester, Liverpool, Preston and Stoke.